Sunday, December 13, 2020

First Portfolio Update, Changes and Dividends

 I will on a monthly basis update one of my portfolios for you to see how I am investing and what my views are on different companies and the market in general. This is the first update, hope you enjoy and comment.

Portfolio Changes 

Link to portfolio where you can follow the market value in USD and Euro as well as portfolio development.

 Increase my position in Telia Company by 2 shares at a price of 3,39€ per share before transaction costs of 0,01% for total purchase price. It did not impact the overall purchase price per share as 2 additional shares to 1 195 is a really small change. 

Received aome dividends from Telia. Will most likely use all of the dividends for reinvestments, have not yet decided in what company to invest and how much. Considering Telia Company, however also looking for other options available at reasonable prices. 

Got Basf AS and Bayer AG market prices to update in Google sheets using Google Finance formula by determining the stock exchange where they are traded. That is why you will see a "FRA:" before their ticker symbols, FRA stands for Frankfurt (Germany) which is the stock exchange they are traded. 


In total my portfolio received 79,67€ net of tax in dividends, most of it from Telia Company which distributed an additional dividend. 

There was no withholding tax on iShares dividend as it is paid out from Ireland, this will however be taxed based on total dividend income and if I decided to sell any holding at a gain or loss (loss will reduce the amount I owe Tax Authorities).


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