Saturday, September 11, 2021

A review of Alibaba Group

 Since the market value of Alibaba has fallen and I have a decent amount invested in the company, I decided to make a quick review of Alibaba. How does Alibabas financials look like? What is Alibabas political risk? These questions will be answered.

Alibabas Group (ticker BABA) has fallen and shows a decent minus in my portfolio, even though only 14 shares at $216 the unrealized loss would be painful with -21% of invested amount. Link to portfolio page from where you can see the latest market price of Alibaba, its return and weight of my portfolio. 

I do not see any operational changes and I am left pondering is it something wrong with the financials or is it political. There was the sexual assault scandal at Alibaba but would not be surprised if many other big companies have the same issue however are covering it up or handling it better. Sexual harassment or assault in any way or form is not acceptable and do expect Alibaba to take required actions. 

Back to numbers.

Alibabas financials

The numbers are from Alibabas 20-F filings and are all in USD, EPS (earnings per share) are for ADS which is equivalent to 8 ordinary shares. I will quickly start with the balance sheet and then proceed to the income statement and end with some key ratios.  

Balance sheet

Alibabas balance sheet is displayed in the below graph where we see that total assets have grown every year since 2015 while the equity ratio has remained stable. Alibabas equity ratio was at lowest 51% in 2018 and 2019 only to increase to 55% in 2021. This means Alibaba is profitable and reinvesting its earning into the company. It is exceptional that a company growing at this paste would be able to remain the high equity ratio unless it does what Alibaba is doing, reinvesting earnings. In the long run if Alibaba can remain on the same path the company can grow significantly and at some point might be able to declare dividends. 

 Alibabas current ratio has remained good, mostly around 1,90 except 2019 when it temporarily dropped to 1,30. Still good and means the company can handle its short-term obligation without any major problems. A ratio I use to see how fast a company can be debt free is cash to liabilities ratio, basically based on 31 March 2015 annual report Alibaba could have paid all their debt with the cash at hand, making the company debt free. 
Alibabas ROE (return on equity) has been outstanding, even though the company has a high P/B-ratio. The ability to return a high return on equity is important for any company as it states is the management can utilize the assets and cash at hand. Alibabas ROE has been very good.

Income statement

The following two graphs show Alibabas revenue development and net profit development since 2015. We can see that revenue has grown at a huge rate of almost 44% per year until 2021. The graph clearly shows that the growth rate has been above 40% from 2018 meaning Alibaba has been able to grow its revenue over 40% per year for 4 years. This is a huge achievement for any company, as we look further down the net profit has not followed the same growth patter as revenue. As Alibaba develops its operations and invests back in the business, while getting fined by Chinese government we can expect the profitability to rise at a slower paste than revenue.

Graph displays Alibab Group revenue development and revenue compounded growth
In the above graph is Alibaba Groups revenue in million USD per year displayed in blue columns and scale on the left axis while annual compounded revenue growth is the red line and scale on right axis.

The graph below shows how Alibabas net profit has developed since 2015 until 2021. We see a strong growth rate and spike in profitability in 2016 while returning to a more modest growth rate of 28% to 40% between 2017 and 2021. The net profit margin of Alibaba has remained strong of a minimum of 20 % of revenue (2020). A net profit margin of over 20% is very strong for any company, many times banks and financial institutions have a similar strong net profit margin.

Graph displays Alibaba Groups net profit and net profits compounded annual growth
Above graph displays Alibaba Groups net profit in million USD per year in blue columns and scale on the left axis while red line shows the compounded annual growth rate of net profit. 

Alibabas segments

Now Alibaba has four operating segments, core commerce, cloud computing, digital media and entertainment and innovation initiatives. Of the four core commerce is the biggest with almost 87% of the total revenue and the only segment with a positive operating profit and EBITA. Of all the segments Alibaba has I find cloud computing the most interesting one and the one with a huge future potential. Cloud computing covers areas like big data analytics, machine learning, storage and elastic computing. If we look at Alibabas competitors like Amazon and Microsoft, they also have recognized the value of clouds and storage of data which is a big revenue stream for them with a tasty margin. Media and entertainment look interesting and do see it as a challenger to Western as well as locally in Asia as a possible profitable business, it will just take time and a few big hits.


Alibabas has a high P/E-ratio of 20,13 given the stock price of $168,10 and the last earnings per share of $8,35. Considering a tech-company and the growth opportunity the ratio is modest yet reflects the political risk associated with Alibaba.

Alibabas financials discussed

 Based on normal financial KPI’s (key performance indicators) Alibaba can be considered a bit expensive. At least P/B- ratio is very high at current market value. However, P/E-ratio is on a more moderate level for a company growing in the same speed. A fact that must be faced is that no company can grow forever and that needs to be considered in Alibabas case. To sum it up I still see Alibaba from a financial perspective a valuable company which will contribute with growth to my portfolio in the long run.

Political risk

Currently the biggest risk with Alibaba would be political or Chinese government in my opinion. The Chinese government has hit hard on different tech companies by adding legislation and forcing reduction of dominant position. This risk is reflected in market value and seems like many are expecting future fines and less profitable business. My opinion is that the market reaction is short sighted, and that Alibaba will recover just like rest of Chinese tech companies. Reason lies in Chinese government not wanting to scare businesses away as it employees and ensures discipline among citizen. If people have a job, they are less eager to rise against authority and governments limiting business loose tax revenue. I see the Chinese government regulation tech companies to ensure nobody gets a monopoly, which is good. Some companies do start with predatory pricing to remove competition only to raise prices afterwards. 

Let us see what the actual outcome of government actions will be and how hard it will hit Alibaba.


My conclusion is that I will not sell my Alibaba shares as I see a good future. There will most likely be days when the market value is below current value of $168,10 and days it is above. The business will continue and they will come up with good future solutions and value generating services for customers. I will continue to hold my shares in Alibaba if the business changes I will have to review it and my position.

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